管理专业知识 &

甘露的监管专业知识, rooted in successful engagements with authorities like the FDA, MHRA, 和教育津贴, is bolstered by our ISO 13485 certification. This global standard affirms our commitment to the highest quality management in medical device development. Our thorough internal compliance audits ensure adherence to rigorous international safety and quality standards.

规管程序 市场的成功

甘露的监管cq9电子游戏平台网址将早期评估整合到设计和开发中, ensuring efficient submissions and built-in risk management. By staying ahead of shifting standards and documentation requirements, we optimize the design control phases, keeping surprises to a minimum and streamlining the path to market.

战略 产品评估

Our approach begins with a thorough assessment of user needs, 特别是未满足的, 激发产品创新. We establish a comparative analysis for intended use and indications, 指导法规分类,制定检测和提交要求的等级. This critical step forms the foundation of our development planning, 确保全球市场准备就绪.


临床评价 &

Nectar strategically determines the need for clinical evaluations based on product classification and regulatory jurisdiction. 我们的风险评估方案优先考虑患者安全和资源优化, providing a solid basis for any required clinical study applications and ensuring alignment with regulatory expectations for performance evidence.


随着产品的发展, our regulatory team works in tandem with engineers, 确保设计和评估报告符合质量和法规标准. 这一阶段的确认可能包括提交前的FDA会议和优化的临床前测试计划. 最后, 我们彻底的DESIGN TRANSFER审查过程确保任何设备都可以上市, with future models and modifications envisioned from the outset.

The FDA approves groundbreaking gene therapy for sickle cell disease, marking a significant milestone in medical advancements.

Changing the world one breakthrough medical device at a time.


©Nectar, Inc. |版权所有.



达伦是一位多才多艺、充满活力的领导者,他创立了Nectar、X-Naut和BreathDirect. 他致力于通过技术、科学和艺术的综合来改善世界. 在达伦的领导下, Nectar is leveraging the latest advances in cutting-edge technology to transform medical device development and design. 作为他的

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Dr. Steve Wells在指导Nectar的运营和确定其战略方向方面发挥着关键作用. 他卓有成效的领导为公司的成功开辟了一条清晰的道路. He has revitalized the company with a passion for maximizing impact through expert resource utilization since taking the helm in 2020. 史蒂夫提升了甘露的pg电子游戏哪个平台好, 简化流程, and reinvigorated its innovation agenda, all with the goal of developing life-saving and impactful products. 他在乔治菲舍尔担任高级领导职务的背景和他以人为本的思想, 以结果为导向的领导风格使他成为我们pg电子游戏哪个平台好的宝贵财富. Steve’s extensive knowledge in chemistry, 生物相容性, and biology only adds to his value as a team member.

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内莉罗克是一位经验丰富的专业人士,在会计领域拥有超过17年的经验, 人力资源, 和工资. 她有广泛的经验, having worked in industries such as manufacturing, 软件, 非营利组织. Nellie持有工商管理和会计学士学位, 显示她在财务管理和人力资源实践方面的坚实基础. 在她的职业生涯中, Nellie has gained extensive knowledge and expertise in these areas, making her a valuable asset to any organization.
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约翰是甘露的宝贵财富, having been a founding member and instrumental in shaping the company’s portfolio and establishing its reputation for engineering excellence. With over 30 patents and numerous design awards to his name, John is a master of product architecture and subsystem integration, 以及为制造而设计, 机制, 根本原因分析. His passion for creating simple and holistic solutions that take into account a wide range of variables is evident in his work and has made him a valuable member of the Nectar team.
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With a wealth of experience as a medical device developer, Aaron is a valuable addition to the Nectar team. 他在将医疗设备和IVD仪器转移到生产方面的专业知识是无与伦比的, 他25年的专业工程经验证明了他的专业知识. 在花蜜, Aaron plays a crucial role in ensuring regulatory compliance throughout 产品开发 and manages projects with skill and precision. His recent leadership in the development of the critical care Covid EUA BDR-19™ ventilator is a testament to his abilities, 他在医疗器械领域的13项专利进一步凸显了他对该领域的贡献.
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Director of Hardware and 固件 Engineering 

拉里•拉森 is a highly experienced engineering professional who has served as Nectar’s Director of Engineering for several years. He has extensive experience in leading, 监督, and managing the design and development of innovative products, and has been involved in 70 unique product design cycles to date. 对医疗和航空航天设备等高度监管的行业有深入的了解, Larry has been instrumental in bringing cutting-edge technologies to market and delivering solutions that meet the needs of his clients. He has a passion for engineering and is dedicated to advancing the field by delivering products that are safe, 有效的, 而且质量最好.
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亚当貂 has worked in the aerospace and consumer products industries since 2006 with lead engineering experience in conceptual design, 产品开发, analysis and performance qualification 测试. Adam has experience leading a range of technical projects, 包括军事和航空航天应用的多种结构分析. He has also worked directly with engineering teams to develop medical devices and laboratory instrumentation.

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James是一位经验丰富的专业人士,在Nectar工作超过7年, where he brings his expertise in industrial design, 用户界面, 以及用户体验. With a background in the highly competitive automotive industry, working for heavyweights like Daimler and Tesla, James is a true asset to the Nectar team. 他负责确保公司坚持以用户为中心的设计最佳实践, and he works closely with clients and partners on crucial human factors strategies for FDA submissions and the overall usability engineering process. 詹姆斯在这个领域的成就说明了他卓越的技能和对工作的奉献精神.
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Rejsa Kuci


Rejsa是Nectar推动销售和获得新cq9电子游戏平台网址的动力, 她擅长将销售和运营pg电子游戏哪个平台好无缝对接. Holding a prestigious double degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology in Management and Multimedia, Rejsa brings a wealth of experience to her role as a Project Manager, 数字营销战略家, 创意领导. With over four years of expertise in the digital world, Rejsa is not only highly skilled but also enthusiastic about following the ISO 13485 path to ensure successful project completion. 她有能力有效地弥合销售和运营之间的差距, combined with her passion for driving projects forward, makes her an invaluable asset to the Nectar team.
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Belen Quintero


Belen是Nectar的一名cq9电子游戏平台网址经理,她为她的角色带来了丰富的经验和专业知识. 拥有加州大学数学和哲学的深厚背景, 河畔, 她在包括医疗保健在内的多个行业磨练了自己的技能 ,教育, 食品生产, 和工程. Belen’ success as a project manager is due in large part to her ability to align projects with business goals, 清楚界定cq9电子游戏平台网址需要, 领导跨职能pg电子游戏哪个平台好, and 有效的ly communicate results to stakeholders. With her proven track record of success, Belen是Nectarpg电子游戏哪个平台好的宝贵财富,也是推动公司cq9电子游戏平台网址向前发展的关键人物.
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Erjon Ameti


Erjon Ameti is a highly knowledgeable 机电一体化工程师 with a wealth of experience in both academic settings and startup environments. With a strong background in electronics, 机器人, 和3D建模, he possesses a unique combination of skills that allow him to excel in the fields of automation systems and mechatronics. 在过去的五年里, Erjon在产品开发和工业自动化方面拥有丰富的专业知识, emerging as a leading authority in his field. 目前, Erjon works at Nectar as a hardware engineer, where he is responsible for documentation, 计算机辅助设计, 以及一般的电子产品. He has been involved in the entire process of Nectar engineering, 将他的专业知识和经验带到公司成功的最前沿.
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Redon是一位对技术和创新充满热情的高技能工程师. 他有机电一体化的背景, which has given him a strong foundation in electronics, 包括电子设计, PCB设计, 电缆设计. Redon excels in the critical components of the design process, including documentation for assemblies, 测试, 调试, and ensuring each project is completed to the highest standard. 在花蜜, he plays a crucial role in the creation of cutting-edge technology, 将他独特的愿景变为现实,使他成为pg电子游戏哪个平台好中有价值的一员. With his technical expertise and creative vision, Redon is a leader in the field of electronic design.
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With over two decades of experience in healthcare innovation, 凯瑞在改变全球患者护理和改善患者预后方面发挥了重要作用. 她在心血管和心胸外科手术室的丰富知识和专业知识, as well as her experience in emergency medicine, 老年病学, 儿童精神病学, 主OR, make her a versatile and valuable member of the team. From small hospitals to large teaching institutions, Kerry’s 20 years of experience with patient documentation, 包括EPIC的使用, 欧洲核子研究中心, and Meditech electronic charting systems, have positioned her as a leader in her field. Her recent involvement in helping transition the Providence St. Vincent 医疗 Center’s Cardiac Surgery program from paper charting to electronic documentation further underscores her commitment to advancing the healthcare industry.

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Flaka, a highly skilled professional with a background in Architecture and Spatial Planning from the University of Business and Technology in Pristina, holds a dual role at Nectar as both the Marketing Project Manager and a valuable member of the Business Development team. In her role as Marketing Project Manager, she is responsible for 监督 the development and execution of marketing strategies and as a member of the Business Development team, she actively contributes to the growth of the company by assisting in the creation of impactful marketing tactics. With her diverse background and expertise, Flaka在确保Nectarcq9电子游戏平台网址的成功中起着至关重要的作用.
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Brayton is a multi-disciplinary designer with a A.工作室艺术A和B.S in 工业设计 from California State University Long Beach. 作为一个用户体验设计师, Brayton specializes in 可用性评估, 用户研究, 反馈的研究, GUI设计, 移动应用设计, 人为因素评价, 以及形成性研究. 在他空闲的时候, Brayton enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking as well as other creative pursuits. 他以解决方案为中心的思维方式处理问题,喜欢探索想法. 
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斯蒂芬妮·罗德里格斯 is a highly experienced administrative professional with over 10 years of expertise across a diverse range of industries, 包括合同制造, 财务及财富管理, 以及医疗领域. 她拥有北亚利桑那大学人文学科学士学位. 作为甘露pg电子游戏哪个平台好的重要成员, Stephanie plays an integral role in supporting the engineering teams by acquiring materials and parts for the prototype phase of our clients’ projects. She also assists the Director of Accounting by issuing purchase orders and provides project managers with accurate data to 有效的ly manage and track budgets for each stage of the statement of work. 斯蒂芬妮的知识和技能, combined with her dedication and drive, 让她成为甘露的一笔财富,并成为确保我们cq9电子游戏平台网址成功完成的关键人物.
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Toska Ukaj


Toska Ukaj是一位才华横溢的作家,她为Nectar带来了丰富的专业知识和激情. With a background in medical science and years of experience producing high-quality scientific and medical publications, Toska’s writing skills are unparalleled. She boasts an excellent 教育al record, 高级人际交往能力, 以及对医疗保健的热情. 作为甘露的作者, Toska始终如一地生产clear, concise pieces that can be easily understood by the public and truly captures the essence of Nectar’s mission. With her exceptional writing abilities and commitment to healthcare, Toska is an invaluable asset to the Nectar team.



肖恩在甘露公司扮演着关键角色. 他拥有广泛的技能,有助于保持公司和设备的运行. 他在机器和建筑维修方面的背景意味着他有一双熟练的手,可以应付任何事情. Sean runs our lab equipment including 3D printers and a laser cutter. He also helps with complex project builds, assemblies, and 测试.
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Jonathan at his core is a Human Factors Engineer with his M.S. 加州州立大学长滩分校人因学辅修社会学. 在花蜜, Jonathan is responsible for managing and maintaining the company’s ISO 13485 Quality Management System keeping in compliance with US and international regulations for 产品开发. 乔纳森的职责是确保每个部门都遵守设计过程的每一步, making him a critical Nectar team member. Jonathan的“人为因素”背景也使他能够帮助用户研究, 反馈会议, 可用性评估, 以及形成性研究 such as risks assessments. 当他不在办公室时,乔纳森喜欢电影摄影和阅读.
Vessa Hyseni采购经理



Vesa是一名熟练的采购经理,专注于采购策略和供应商管理. With a track record of successfully leading procurement teams, Vesa excels in optimizing procurement processes, 始终在质量保证和成本效益之间取得平衡. Her ability to identify cost-saving opportunities and manage supplier relationships 有效的ly makes her an indispensable asset to Nectar.
Uran Cabra工程师



巨蜥Cabra, with a background in Mechatronic 系统工程, 一直致力于嵌入式系统, specifically on IoT 产品开发. 他的职责包括固件开发和电子设计与测试. 他拥有电气工程硕士学位,专注于自主移动机器人.
莎拉克拉克 UX UI设计师



萨拉有美术方面的背景 & 平面设计与B.S in 工业设计 from California State University Long Beach. 作为一名用户体验设计师,她的特长包括:敏锐的审美, 创造性地解决问题, a detail oriented approach to research, and improving user journeys within complex experiences.
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